This afternoon, our faithful fan base in Houston notified us and said that the local news media FINALLY covered the suicide of little Asher Brown. The UT shooting was more imperative-- we guess?--- and it dominated all the stations' newscast yesterday. AND!!!! his death happened last Thursday.
The child was only 13 and took his life so violently with a gun.
He was another victim of bullying at his school, Hamilton Middle School.
The precious boy was taunted for: 1) being small-framed 2) the way he dressed 3) for being gay.
The retched and homophobic bullies would mock gay sex acts in physical education classes to torment him. Despicable.
The school is playing stupid and claiming that no bullying complaints were filed.
Brown's parents alerted the school a year and half ago that little Asher was teased and taunted.
This shit has to stop. If you are a child being tormented notify police, a school administrator, preferably someone at the district's administrative building, we recommend the superintendent him/herself, a fire fighter..... any authority figure that will take action. Call The Trevor Project. This organization is there to help you. Ask them to call the local police for you to save your life.
For adults that would like to reach out and help these tormented individuals, please volunteer at your local LGBT center for youth, a suicide hotline or give time to The Trevor Project and help our LGBT youth-at-risk.
One life lost to this abuse is one life too many.