Keene is SO EASY ON THE EYES and you may know him as Buzz Watson on the show The Closer.
The thespian talks to Greg Hernandez with out in hollywood:
Q. I always want to see more of your character. Will they be giving you more to do besides the interrogation scenes?
A. "I'm getting more to do this season. They're expanding on the character a little more and hopefully you'll get to see a little bit more of his private life and inside what's going on with him.
Q What kind of private life?
A. You'll have to wait and see that.
Q. Is he gay?
A. No, he's straight. We already did that on "NYPD Blue" remember? My friend Bill Brochtrup was on that show. We thought it would be kind of weird to revisit that.
Q. Are you in or out in real life?
A. Out! I have a partner of 15 years so it's very nice. We're waiting until the November election to see what goes on with the initiative to see whether or not we'll get married. Because I don't want something like that being ripped out from under us after the fact, you know?
Q. Well let me ask you about Prop. 8. What are your thoughts with just two weeks left before the election?
A. I think it's real important for everybody to kind of get out there and keep raising awareness about it because it's not about restricting the rights of families and reinterpreting that. It's just allowing everybody to be a full citizen. We are all Americans and I think we are all entitled to the same civil rights.
Q. Has it been difficult to see all the money being spent to pass Prop. 8 and to see all the commercials that are out there?
A. It;s been really discouraging because the way that they're spinning it, it's as though we're a threat to society and families and I think it's just the opposite.
Q. Okay, so here we are at AIDS Walk 25 years now. It seems that people don't learn the lessons.
A. It's a little disheartening. Especially when I hear about all the activities that are going on with younger people. They didn't see what I saw growing up in the 80s. They think, 'I just have to take a pill and I'll be okay. It's not like that."
A. "I'm getting more to do this season. They're expanding on the character a little more and hopefully you'll get to see a little bit more of his private life and inside what's going on with him.
Q What kind of private life?
A. You'll have to wait and see that.
Q. Is he gay?
A. No, he's straight. We already did that on "NYPD Blue" remember? My friend Bill Brochtrup was on that show. We thought it would be kind of weird to revisit that.
Q. Are you in or out in real life?
A. Out! I have a partner of 15 years so it's very nice. We're waiting until the November election to see what goes on with the initiative to see whether or not we'll get married. Because I don't want something like that being ripped out from under us after the fact, you know?
Q. Well let me ask you about Prop. 8. What are your thoughts with just two weeks left before the election?
A. I think it's real important for everybody to kind of get out there and keep raising awareness about it because it's not about restricting the rights of families and reinterpreting that. It's just allowing everybody to be a full citizen. We are all Americans and I think we are all entitled to the same civil rights.
Q. Has it been difficult to see all the money being spent to pass Prop. 8 and to see all the commercials that are out there?
A. It;s been really discouraging because the way that they're spinning it, it's as though we're a threat to society and families and I think it's just the opposite.
Q. Okay, so here we are at AIDS Walk 25 years now. It seems that people don't learn the lessons.
A. It's a little disheartening. Especially when I hear about all the activities that are going on with younger people. They didn't see what I saw growing up in the 80s. They think, 'I just have to take a pill and I'll be okay. It's not like that."
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