Post-circumcision baby foreskin is being developed and harvested as a skin treatment called Vavelta.
Vavelta claims permanent results. A little prick with this miracle formula can make deep wrinkles or acne scars vanish.
Blackbook Mag reports the foreskin is full of fibroblasts-- cells that produce the sought-after, age-defying protein collagen. Once separated from the circumcised flap, the isolated fibroblasts are given months to grow and multiply in the lab before being blasted onto a woman’s face. Once entrenched in your epidermis, the fibroblasts produce collagen, hyaluronic acid, and elastin, which our bodies naturally produce less of as we age.
Unsurprisingly, nowhere on the Vavelta website is it stated that babies’ foreskins are an essential ingredient in the product. They do offer this appealing demo of how it works, though. I wish they could say, “No actual babies were harmed during the making of this skin treatment,” but they really can’t.
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