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Thursday, May 5, 2011


Entire cast and crew of Glee

On a Houston fox station, natch, (no caps for scums) american family association's bryan fischer went on the local news station and complained that the show Glee will turn kids gay and eventually give them AIDS. Isn't this scum just the brightest of the bunch (sarcasm).

GLAAD stepped in and wants an apology from the station for hosting the bigot. To no avail.

GLAAD states:

Bryan Fischer is an extremist with no qualifications to offer the discussion apart from his bigotry. This a man whose disdain for diversity is evident in his track record of making statements such as calling Muslim student associations "parasites" and a "toxic cancer." FOX Houston gave Fischer a platform in the nation's fourth largest city, and one of its top ten media markets, to broadcast his anti-gay rhetoric. And rather than challenge him, the host, Damali Keith, contributed her own uninformed and anti-gay commentary. After receiving complaints about this FOX Houston program, GLAAD contacted the station to demand that they issue an apology. Broadcasting anti-gay speech is dangerously irresponsible, and the station must be accountable. In conversations with GLAAD, a representative of the station implied that an apology was in order and should be expected. However, no apology has been issued, and in an abrupt reversal, representatives of the station now maintain that they stand behind this content.

Anti-gay bigoted scum responds:

GLAAD, which stands for the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation, has taken umbrage with me for saying on Fox that homosexual behavior "is conduct that bears enormous psychological and physical risk to those that engage in it" and "is just as risky and just as dangerous as injection drug use." GLAAD put almost immediate pressure on the Fox affiliate to apologize for giving me any air time at all, being the fans they are of the First Amendment and all, and according to GLAAD, Fox at first said they would. But subsequently, the Fox station has had an apparent change of heart and has yet to issue the promised apology. Perhaps it’s because Fox did some research and found out I was telling the truth.

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