They are taking it to the streets.
One family in San Jose had their 'Yes on 8' yard sign stolen and replaced with a huge banner on the front side of their house.
Supporters of marriage equality then parked an SUV in front of the abode with a sign and arrow cleanly drawn of the back windshield stating "Bigots Live Here."
Watch the video of the news report . The reporter is blatantly 'pro-family'.
CBS5 states:
: "The Sundstroms called the police, but an officer told them he couldn't do much about the car unless it was parked for more than 3 days on the public street. The Sundstroms have taken particular care not to touch or wash off the message, hoping it will just go away without further incident. Even if it is an embarrassment to all who pass by. Michele Sundstrom has had difficulty explaining the van to her children, 'My 11-year-old asked me 'What's a bigot? Is that a bad word?'"
Mommy what's a bigot?
Look in the mirror bitches!!
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