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Monday, March 8, 2010



Dude what's your problem?

George Clooney acts so put upon at the Oscars and if it was part of the telecast's writing and schtick :  A big F-A-I-L.   What do you George Clooney, movie star, have to be annoyed about??  You came across as arrogant, condescending and self-entitled.  But that is to be expected, at your pressers, you are so fake, disingenuous and smarmy.  A real arms length attitude about you,  always so insincere and insipid.

AN ACTOR AT AN AWARDS SHOW:  It's not fucking heart surgery or figuring out the proper dosage of Propofol so a patient doesn't die before surgery!!  Or being a prison guard worrying about his life everyday.  Or a fireman never knowing if that emergency call will be his last.  

You should count your blessings that you work in such a privileged industry, Clooney.

You wanted to be in films, no one forced you into this profession.

If you don't like doing industry events get the FUCK OUT of the film business.  Don't be cast in mainstream A-list films.

We have a ton friends (ourselves included)  that are fellow actors that would love to be in your position and they act 100x better than you do at your craft.  They can't get there because they weren't born into show business like you were.  They have to pound that pavement for auditions everyday just to hope and pray that-- maybe, just maybe-- one day a casting director will remember them.  Or  someone with the powers-to-be and some balls will take the chance and hire an unknown.

So don't sit there at this A-list event and act like its so fucking unbearable to be there.

Retire.  Go full time into helping the  less desirable like you did for that so-far-from-the-source, very-removed  telethon of yours.  Weeks before your telethon, you were  shunning everything and acting like helping Haiti was the most prominent #1 item on your "to do"  list and everything and everyone else asking you about anything else was such a bother and nonessential.

Sweetie, you're no Sean Penn, actor or humanitarian.  Sean can act (Milk, A Thin Red Line)-- and his aunt wasn't someone famous in the business.   Sean HAS gone down to New Orleans and paddled in a row boat in filthy waters to help some body, any body.  He has GONE to Haiti with suitcases filled with cash to acquire medical supplies to those in need.  Penn has sourced pharmaceuticals and distributed those medicines to the dire.   He doesn't just telephone a bunch of Hollywood cronies and ask them to be on his telethon.  Sean Penn goes to GROUND ZERO.

So don't act like your telethon was so relevant.  You have a long way to go as an actor and a humanitarian compared to  Sean Penn.  He has set the bar for what a Hollywood actor does for humans in the wake of tragedy.

Sean hates the awards too and the platitudes but he goes to the events, forces a smile and plays the game.  He may complain to a Hollywood  news show afterwards but that is just it--he complains AFTER the fact.  During the event, he is playing the game with a smile and not  pouting.  At least he has the impression of not loathing his profession at that moment.

So Clooney,  if being at the Oscars is such a bother, please, do all of us a favor and get out of show  business. The rest of us could use the work with your body removed and would be head over heels just to walk a red carpet for an award nomination for a film we starred in, much less making red carpet events a part of our regular show business life.


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