Tis the season for gift giving.
We guess we have been very good this year!! All those rendezvous lunch appointments for some afternoon delight and weekend carnal sojourns to Malibu with our Sugar Daddies have benefits.
Some little gifts arrived.
The Daddies really listen when we say an Apple a day keeps our difficult moods at bay!! (Or did we say, an Apple a day for our perusing moods on Ebay!) Especially, when that Apple has 3G for our Malibu weekends!!
And, nothing gets us in a better mood than that dark navy box hand-delivered from the Ralph Lauren store in Beverly Hills. Tucked inside-- our daddies know what we love--gift cards with sizable amounts for some major damage. A couple of bespoke suits with several French cuff shirts, cuff links and a handful of new ties for drinks with Daddy at the Grand Havana Room. (Daddy doesn't like us looking like a schlub, neither do we, especially when he wants to show us off!!) Or, maybe we'll outfit the home with a couple of chairs, a new bed, fresh linens and brunch china for when Daddy decides to stay overnight on a Saturday.
Our daddies loves nice things!! And, they are really enjoyable when we have nice things on hand to take care of them.
We still have until the 28th when Hanukkah ends, thus we know we have more coming!!
We ain't cheap and neither are our men!!!
Thanks Dads!!
The Editors