How can you mistake Justin Long for Zach Braff?
Well a stupid snatch, prolly drunk, did at NYC's Slipper Room.
Quips Long:
"I was smoking at a club one night, and this girl walked up to me and said, 'I can't believe you're smoking after playing someone in a hospital all this time!' I couldn't for the life of me figure out who she thought I was.
"[Then] she leaned over and said, 'I think your best work was in Garden State. Zach Braff? Really?"
"[Then] she leaned over and said, 'I think your best work was in Garden State. Zach Braff? Really?"
Even though they aren't quite TayTay or Zacky Pooh, how can you confuse these two? Justin is kind of cute to us, we will admit. Oh god did we just say that... wait, don't U log off on us!!
You know what confuses us?
Snatch-- NOW that's what looks the same!! Ick.

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