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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Weir having a little issue with last night's tweet from Olympian Johnny Weir.

He has since deleted this from his account.

He was asked what kind of boyfriend/man is his type and he responds below.

The phrase "straight acting." For realz? We take that as a little homophobic and a slam against gay guys.

And we'll even say THIS since no one else does: This from the biggest, nelliest queen out there. We could say he is a gay stereotype. Effeminate skating with a feather boas and what not; galavanting around Russia in fur coats. Please. We all know you are thinking that too!!!

We've been big Johnny Weir supporters on this blog. But that comment, it stings a little bit. Especially, coming from one of our own who should know better. "Straight acting" as opposed to what?: "gay acting;" "black acting;""Italian acting:" "Dutch acting;" "Tennis acting" -- just stupid.

It brings up that whole argument that gay guys are inferior, not macho/masculine enough because they are gay. As if "straight acting" is the one better; the choice- up.

And, why on earth would a gay guy want to act heterosexual or "straight?" BARF! GAG!

As much as he bitches about how gays are perceived and he tweets something like this!!

And, he is going to be LA's Christopher Street West Gay Pride Grand Marshall?

We are starting to reconsider that.

He hasn't DONE ALL THAT for gay issues. Sure, he is OUT there with his actions and personality.

But, he never really did come out in an official statement for the longest. He mentioned his homosexuality in his book, very stealth-like and on the downlow. Then, he downplayed it when he was interviewed like it was no big deal. He did call out one of the Olympic chair people who since resigned for his statements on same-sex relationships. But darlings, no Harvey Milk is he!!

Hmmmm. We're shaking our heads on this one......

Johnny Weir @JohnnyGWeir

My Type: Taller than me, muscular, clever talented, fashionable & straight acting. Justin Timberlake.Jon Groff @Cazwellnyc @sergeylazarev

Updated about 13 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry® | Permalink

This morning, Weir did tweet this and has left it up on his wall. Is this an excuse, an apology or what?

Friends don't let friends Ambien tweet. :) Pardon me.

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