If you are looking for LA*SURFPUNK, the blog, so are we.
Seems like the Google BOTS yanked our site without any merit.
We are working to resolve this issue. If we can't, we will let our fans know. We will create a new blog on either NibbleBit or WordPress
As a note in the future:
A big Thank You to all of our millions (yes, we said millions; who knew there was a faithful readership in shirtless posts and bulge watch pictures??---HA!!) of readers that check in consistently to LA*SURFPUNK HOLLYWOOD-- the blog you are on now.
If this blog is ever yanked, we will immediately have the blog back up at either: Nibblebit or WordPress.
We'll always keep the word "lasurfpunk" somewhere in the web address.
If this blog ever goes down, we will keep our readers posted about the new blog on our Twitter account and Facebook page, that way we don't miss you and you don't miss us!!
If you haven't "follow"ed us or "like"d us yet, please do that over the weekend. We are constantly updating on Twitter and Facebook the latest blog post or our newest rave and rant!!
Our Twitter is: LASURFPUNK
Our Facebook page is: LA*SURFPUNK HOLLYWOOD