To my New York and New Jersey readers: Be careful at night when going to and leaving from the bars in the West Village, especially later in the night when they are closing. NYPD is issuing a warning that a group of muggers are targeting men leaving gay bars in the West Village.
New Jersey dwellers that take the PATH train proceed with extreme caution and be aware of your surroundings, maybe travel in groups during those late hours. Have 911 ready to dial on those cell phones.
Between April 11 and 27 at least five men were mugged in five separate incidents in the area around Seventh Avenue South and Christopher Street typically in the early hours of the morning. Many of the victims, who were all alone when attacked, hail from New Jersey. They were coming from bars including Kettle of Fish, Ty’s Bar and Hangar Bar, according to police sources. On April 11, a 27-year-old man from New Jersey was surrounded by five men who restrained him and rifled through his pockets, fleeing with his phone and drivers license, police sources said. On April 15, a 69-year-old man from Trenton was attacked from behind by two men, knocked to the ground and had his wallet stolen. Another attack occurred April 25 at 4 a.m. on the corner Seventh Avenue South and Christopher Street when a 32-year-old man was mugged by three men after he left the Kettle of Fish bar. The next day a 27-year-old male from Jersey City was mugged by a lone assailant who made off with his wallet.
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