We are all about being veggie and not killing animals for food. There is too much on this earth to eat where you don't need to kill animals.
But PETA is taking it to all kinds of crazy. The animal rights activist group are using the killing of that abortion doctor George Tiller to promote themselves in that Kansas town:
One version of the billboard says, "Pro-Life? Go Vegetarian." The other says, "Pro-Choice? Choose Vegetarian." Both feature a photo of three baby chicks. Lindsay Rajt, campaign manager for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, said the billboards were prompted by the recent shooting death of abortion doctor George Tiller, who was killed Sunday at his church. The discussion of the value of life is front and center right now in the public conversation," Rajt said today. "We think we would be irresponsible if we don't talk about how we're all guilty of extreme cruelty to animals every time we sit down to a meal that includes meat." Rajt says her group doesn't know where or when the billboards will be posted. Her staff "approached the billboard companies today, and we're waiting to hear back about availability."
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