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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


This story is making all the rounds on the gay blogs. A University of North Carolina student, Quinn Matney, reported to police that he was attacked by a man. The man branded Quinn with some object, causing severe burns, while spewing anti-gay epithets.

Quinn managed to get a punch in and escaped. UNC is reporting this as a hate crime to the Feds.

As the freshman took a walk on South Campus at about 3 a.m. on April 4, he said he ran into an acquaintance on the Craige Residence Hall footbridge. As the two spoke, a man sitting at a nearby picnic table stood up and grabbed him by the wrist, he said.

“Here’s a taste of hell you f—-ing fag,” Matney remembered the man saying.

The man branded Matney, who is gay, on the left wrist with an unidentified object, causing third- and fourth-degree burns that damaged three nerves and a tendon, leaving the freshman with no feeling in his thumb and limited mobility in his index finger, he said. Matney said he tried to pull away — but the man didn’t let go until he received a hard punch to the face.

Matney said he then walked away quickly, trying to distance himself from the man and his two friends, who both appeared drunk...

Video via The Advocate:

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