A film premiered at LA's Outfest titled Breakfast with Scot.
As with any film about gays, the movie has caused tongues to wag. In February 2007, San Diego-based Chrisitan activist "ex-gay" James Hartline, called the film "degrading" and warned the film promoted the "homosexualization of small children."
Oh please!!
The film is about a gay couple (a former Toronto Maple Leaf and the team's lawyer) who become the guardians of an 11 year-old boy struggling to understand his sexuality. BTW: the first gay film in which the NHL allowed its logo and uniforms to be used.
The Los Angeles Times reports: "Ever since Gov. Sarah Palin burst on to the national scene, I've heard more than I ever wanted to hear about hockey moms. Are they that different from soccer moms? Do they really wear lipstick? Or can they get away with lip balm or Blistex? I've never seen a hockey-mom movie, however. Though last week I did see my first hockey-dad movie. Actually, 'Breakfast With Scot' is about two hockey dads, and the only one wearing lipstick is their flamboyant 11-year-old ward, Scot, who winds up living with this comely, strait-laced gay couple after his mom dies. Welcome to the gay family film, as mild and sweet as anything out of the Disney empire."
Oh-- another BTW: Tom Cavanagh is in the movie...who we have always had a crush on!!
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