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Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Just come OUT... you're still ugly but at least you won't be  a closet creep, homo-hating slime.

OUT and proud homos are never caught in scandal because they aren't self-hating, closeted slimy, ugly, vote-against-our-rights bigots...... And OUT gays are gorgeous and proud.

All these closet cases are just so greasy, nasty and ugly we wouldn't claim them in our fabulous, dick-loving orientation anyway:  Larry Craig,  Roy Ashburn and NOW George Alan Rekers.

Can we say vile and disgusting....

The closeted creep was caught with his rented trick, Lucien (the poor lad... at least he got money from it-- who in their right mind would bed this disgusting scum for free? ).

This closeted idiot bigot helped found Focus on the Family...barf, gag.  And we know what "family friendly" groups mean....

This idiot was coming back from a 10 dayer in Bermuda.

We can't wait for the next bible-thumping homo- hating hypocrite OUTfest....

Also, this is how dangerous these CLOSET self -haters can be in getting legislation passed.

This piece of shit was VOCAL on Florida's Gay Adoption Ban and paid $87K for it:

via Equality Florida:

"Rekers was one of only two witnesses Attorney General Bill McCollum called in an effort to reverse a Miami judge who ruled Florida's adoption ban- the only one in the country- is unconstitutional. McCollum paid Rekers and a colleague $87,000 for testimony that called gay people mentally unstable and advised that the ban should be expanded to include Native Americans because, Rekers claimed, they are also at much higher risk of mental illness and substance abuse. 'They would tend to hang around each other,' Rekers testified. 'So the children would be around a lot of other Native Americans who are … doing the same sorts of things.' This latest controversy may shed new light on how outrageously bias and scientifically unsupported Rekers' testimony has been, said Nadine Smith, executive director of Equality Florida. 'It is disgraceful that the attorney general used taxpayer dollars to compensate this discredited bigot-for-hire,' said Smith. 'It shows just how low they have to scrape to find anyone even willing to defend this awful ban that denies children permanent loving homes.'

"As a paid witness (in the case against Gill), Rekers relies on long-discredited research to justify banning gay people from adopted and dismisses numerous studies suggesting that children of gay parents are no worse off than those of straight parents, testifying that he opposes gay parenting even if it flies in the face of scientific research. In court, Rekers said that he favored removing children from any gay home in favor of a straight home, even if the child had been there 10 years. In an article from 2005, Reker compares allowing gay people seeking to adopt to terrorists and drug dealers: 'This is not basically different from denying placement in other households with structures that are not in the best interests of children. Fifteen-year-old couples, 90-year-old couples, Thai-language-only speaking couples, blind and deaf parents, households with a pedophilic-behaving adult, households with practicing criminals, households with drug dealers and drug abusers, households with unemployed adults, households that advocate the overthrow of the U.S. government, households with an active terrorist, households with sexually promiscuous unmarried men and women co-habitating and households with homosexually behaving adults all have either inherent instability or inherent disadvantage, stress, and potential harm to placed children.'"

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