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Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Zacky Pooh on the left, Brenty Pooh on the right

So... I know we were guilty of this.....

On our TWINS GAME postings, we have compared juicy porn twink Brent Corrigan to cream filled twink Zac Efron.

Well... Brent Corrigan has taken to his blog to opine about the comparison between Zacky Pooh and himself.

Here's what  BCInc. inked:

Aside from that, I’ve been writing a lot. I’m getting things together for a June Palm Springs shoot. I know, I am totally crazy: Palm Springs in June. Hey, I didn’t say AUGUST did I? I am really excited this project because I’ve been talking about it for so long now. The script is hilarious and I’ve got a big surprise in store for all of you. I think I may have found my twin, hint, hint. No, and I don’t mean that damned Zack Efron. Did you see him on the cover of
GQ this month? Ok, so admittedly I broke down and read the article. What?! When everyone keeps telling you that you look like someone, you can’t help but be a little curious.

My favorite line from the whole thing was when Zac said

“You have to put your ass out there. And that’s what I wanna do next.”

Could it be? Is it true? Is Zac taking pointers from lil ole’ me? Oh, and my second favorite part of the article is when Zac is cornered by a female fan at a coffee shop during the interview. She tells him that her school is putting on High School Musical 2 and that her best friend is playing his character. Zac asks his little fan if her friend is a “good-looking guy” and she says, “it’s actually a girl”. Uh-Oh!

Look, I am not offended when people say I look like him. The only time I really get it is when I am in Los Angeles anyway, or on that damned Queerty blog. Oh! Don’t get me started on Queerty. Something is wrong with a publication that caters specifically to readers who insist upon perpetuating negativity. should be ashamed that they have assembled the biggest group of ruthless, pessimistic and pathetically pretentious people on the planet. That’s not the point I’m trying to make though, which is: Why do I have to look like him just because he’s more widely known? I’m a year older, so technically he looks like me because I came first. Right? We’re not even in the same class. It’s sort of like saying Sean Penn looks like Bono. Both are in entertainment, but are in a completely class of their own.

Besides, I don’t think people will be saying it much longer. I have a feeling Zac Efron will be prettier far longer than I will. Maybe if I just buzzed my hair off? Do you think that would do it? I’ve been sort of considering it. Not because of this whole thing, but primarily because I am getting thoroughly tired of sporting the same look.

Your Friend and Lover,
Not Zac Efron

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