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Tuesday, May 5, 2009


A vote had the numbers 89-57 passing:

After a three-hour debate, the Maine House gave final approval to a same-sex marriage bill and sent it back to the Senate, where a final vote is pending.

Representatives voted 89-57 Tuesday afternoon to give the bill final approval in favor of the bill after rejecting an amendment that called for a November referendum. The bill was sent back to the Senate, which is expected to take it up when it returns Wednesday.

An ironic side note:  Rep. Sheryl Briggs (D) stood up emphatically and opposed the marriage equality bill, even revealing that her daughter is a lesbian; she pulled that CA.CA. CUNT stunt:"Blame it on my upbringing, or the good book, but the deepest part of my soul tells me that this is wrong."

One gay group reports,  Rea Carey, Executive Director, National Gay and Lesbian Task Force Action Force:

This vote marks another pivotal step forward in the effort to secure equality for all Mainers. It's an exciting moment, and one that affirms the national momentum building for marriage equality. The decisive passage of this legislation, along with the recent marriage wins in Iowa and Vermont, shows that people nationwide recognize that the fundamental protection specifically provided through the institution of marriage is what is necessary to achieve genuine fairness. Through debate, dialogue and careful consideration, they are concluding that denying this basic right doesn't protect anyone; it simply places more families in harm's way and makes them more vulnerable to hardship. "We congratulate our state partner, EqualityMaine, for this hard-fought victory. Thanks to EqualityMaine's leadership, same-sex couples in Maine are at the cusp of winning the freedom to marry."

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