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Friday, May 8, 2009


1.  Which Network TV Reality Star told our source that he is considering ‘coming out’ in order to boost his image and score some pricey interviews? If you’ve guessed that he isn’t gay, you’d be right. He thinks at the very least being bisexual would cause a stir. He also told this source that his agent wasn’t comfortable with the idea and the star is thinking about going against the agent’s advice and possibly getting a new agent. (And if the Agent to this star is reading this, they needn’t worry. We think it was all talk, and you’ve done great things for his career.) Watch for speculation about his sexuality in the future. It will happen, but it will be manufactured. Not Gordon Ramsey. (BuzzFoto via Blind Gossip)

2. It keeps rearing (or rear-ending) its head every so often, but the rumors about this HUGE movie star just won’t go away. Previously partial to a blond male model from Croatia, his new plaything is a very hot, black car mechanic. (Holy Moly via Blindsmack)

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