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Saturday, April 11, 2009


"Libertarian"/ Manhunt website co-founder Jonathan Crutchley sits down with The Bottom Line Magazine for an interview.

Can a Libertarian be a secret Republican?--- YES!!

Here are some of the highlights:

Of course, we have to discuss the Huffington Post article that criticized your monetary donation to the McCain campaign.
Of course. I got a lot of heat for a small donation.

Were you surprised by the community’s reaction to the article?
Yes, I was surprised by the virulent reaction. The national gay community isn’t aware that Massachusetts Republicans are more socially progressive on gay issues than Massachusetts Democrats.

How so?
Boston’s Democratic controlled state legislature refused to pass a gay civil rights bill until 1991, when it was signed by Republican Governor William Weld. The previous Democratic governor, Michael Dukakis, had opposed many gay issues, including allowing gay couples to foster children.

How did you get involved with Senator McCain and his campaign?
During his first presidential primaries back in 2000, Senator McCain asked Massachusetts gay Republicans for support. The Senator had several gay staff members and was definitely the most gay-friendly Republican candidate.

He lost the 2000 Republican nomination to George W. Bush.
Yes, sadly he did. I never voted for Bush. There’s a big difference between a Bush Republican and a McCain Republican.

What did you learn from the media frenzy that followed after the posting of the Huffington post article?
That you can’t argue with a mob. The gay media was looking for someone to throw darts at. They weren’t interested in learning the whole story.

Do you feel the gay media treated you unfairly?
Yes, but so what? The media is in the business of selling newspapers and magazines, not in being fair.

What would you like the gay community to know about the reasons behind the McCain donation?
The gay community should know that Senator McCain is a very tolerant and gay-friendly man in private. In the ’08 presidential campaign, he failed to show his true side. The party felt he needed to win the religious vote. I tried to make the party aware that it was the wrong decision. I knew that without the support of independent voters and gays, McCain could not win the election.

Is it true you are no longer a Republican?
I’m a Libertarian. I’m fiscally conservative but socially liberal.

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